AGM 2024
The time when KCLEA members can find out about how their association is going
and question the officers on what has been achieved in the past year and to steer KCLEA's future
And to appoint new officers and others to the committee - if you wish to stand - see the Committee roles page
This year to enable more people to participate we will be on Zoom – From 6pm on Thursday 5 December
Besides the usual business there is a resolution to update the Constitution to reflect how KCLEA fits in
after changes in KCLA and the College ... and to ensure it does not become a zombie association.
Please Register in good time-
for security reasons you will be sent the Zoom URL a few days before the meeting.
Outline Agenda
1) Apologies for absence/ Minutes of the 2023 AGM*/ Matters arising
2) President's report on past year *
3) Accounts, including the Trustees' report.
4) To Note Student Bursaries and Medals
5) Nominations and Election for Officers and Committee members
6) The 13 Club Trophy
7) Discussion and Adoption of updated constitution *
8) President -KCLEA's Future- Communications Events Activities Members and Opertation *
9) AOB
* see attached documents Accounts are here
President Peter Weitzel
Vice Presidents Chris Bowden & David Blacoe
Hon Secretary Stylli Charalampous
Hon Treasurer John Thomson
Hon Events Sec VACANCY
Hon Editor VACANCY
Hon Webmaster John Thomson
Hon Membership Sec VACANCY
Hon Liaison officer Dr Ernest Okon
Past President Liz Beckmann
Rashi Chavan President of KCLES is ex officio a Vice president
We also confirm the Trustees of the Investment Fund (formerly Life Subscription Fund)
Mike Clode,Chris Bowden,John Thomson,Graham Raven And as the Accounts Examiner David Sheriden
We have vacanciesfor those heading up Events, Membership and Editor/Marcoms
If you are interested in helping KCLEA in these roles please contact
Meeting details
This year Peter Weitzel KCLEA President will introduce some of the changes that have been planned for the 2024/5 year
and how – with the help of KCLEA members – your association can offer Events to you – its Members (like on 6 November)
and Provide Activities with the Students of The Department of Engineering and the School of Biomedical Engineering
and Imaging Science and KCLES and Student societies . (like this)
Read his report covering past year and future operations
KCLEA Report of President to AGM 5 December 2024.pdf
As there is so much change going on there are many important decisions that need your agreement
In particular the preliminary updating of the KCLEA constitution
The reasoning behind the minimal changes and what is changed
KCLEA explanatory note on revision to KCLEA constitution for AGM 5 December 2024.pdf
And the revised text which will after adoption at the meeting become the KCLEA Constitution
KCLEA Revised constitution AGM 5 December 2024.pdf
The Minutes of the 2023 AGM
KCLEA needs a number of members to fill vacancies on its committee to carry out its operations and determine its future
-for More see the Committee roles page
If you feel you can help – or just want a chat – or use the contact form
In addition – KCLEA is coordinating a wide range of activities with Students – from Fireside chats, speed dating etc
with KCLES and other societies, and the courses at BMEIS and the Department of Engineering.
For more see volunteer roles page
If you feel you can help – or just want a chat – or use the contact form