Committee roles
Thank you for taking and interest in helping run KCLEA - your AssociationKCLEA will be going through a transformation as it faces the second quarter of the 21st century –
And if it is to continue its work it needs keen reliable members to ensure that KCLEA members are being served
– and determining how KCLEA will develop and change in a Profssional and Business like way.
It is an opportunity for you to apply some of you experiences to help your alumni association,
and also to learn new skills which may help you in your career -
In running KCLEA it is realised that most people have limited time and thus we are developing a structure
which spreads the work between "more than a few" people -replacing the current officers
But as this is still a bit fluid – If you want to find out more contact
or look at this diagram

We envisage have a structure with Executives who are on the governing committeeeach running their portfolio
And working with them as Leaders who may have the responsibility for producing a lecture, or running the website
or liaising with KCLES or recruiting recent graduates – there are many of these roles
and if is likely that one person may to two or three often to fit not their own interests time and exploiting synergy between roles .
(e.g if you have written the Description of a Event you may post it yourself on Social media or website etc)
It is hoped that this will also means that each role has a main and a deputy leader – so that if you are busy someone can take over!
We are also looking for a Few Ordinary members of the Committee to eneusre that KCLEA is heading in the right direction
There are always need for Helpers – people who can spend short time on a (ir)regular basis
– the most obvious of these are those Volunteers speaking to students – for more see the Volunteers page
but we also need people who can provide advice and consultancy on one off items -like selection of a CRM system …..
The outline structure we are working towards has 4 portfolios each with an Executive some Leaders
and Helpers (and Volunteers) with most people doing a major and a minor role (or two)
The first two are to carry out the services to KCLEA members
The Comms Executive responsible for connecting KCLEA members with what is going on In the KCLEA community
and within and around KIngs College
They will be assisted by a group of leaders- for each of our main outlets :-
Social media. Linked in , the Newsletter , The Bulletin and the Website – and others as deputies-
it may be that one leader looks after all KCLEA IT needs, and it would be good to have help from other portfolios.
The Events executive is responsible for the planning and implementation of Events where the KCLEA member meet
to form a community to Network and to tell the world of the excelence and achivements of Kings Engineers .
Each will have a Producer (and a deputy) as leaders for each Event -
currently KCLEA holds 3 events – Autumn "Find out about Kings", Spring a Public lecture and the Summer Annual lunch
– but other events -e.g. for the more recent graduates or on line have been mentioned =
Events always need a few helpers to welcome members and to direct them to the venue
And then to enable KCLEA members to support students and Staff
The Activities Executive draws together two linked strands – providing Activities with students using volunteer helpers,
and keeping a lively Liaison with BMEIS, the Department of Engineering, KCLES and other student groups like Womxn in …..
to enable KCLEA members to support Kings Engineering.
It is expected that there will be leaders working with each of these to ensure flowing and collaborative activities
like Fireside chats, Speed dating etc and judging and involvement in student projects.
There will be a need for many Volunteer helpers -see the Volunteers page
And then to represent and look after the members
The Membership Executive builds and maintains the KCLEA Community and thus has responsibilities
over the processes of membership and list management and dashboards, the recruitment of members and nominations.
They will also serve KCLEA members interests in the links with other Alumni organizations like the Alumni Office and KCLA.
It would be very useful to have leader who is acquainted with CRM systems and GDPR requirements and IT.
As you can see our ideas at the moment are a bit light touch to allow the leaders and executives
to fit around their abilities and the amount of time required – and when it is required.
we need both Leaders & Executives and roles can have very different work patterns!
We are looking at about 4 committee meetings a year on Zoom – and focus on one portfolio in each.
Plus perhaps one Hybrid meeting
The role of Ordinary members will increase as they may form a group looking at how KCLEA needs to be structured
If you feel you can help – or just want a chat – or use the contact form
We are looking for members to be involved for at least 3 years and be involved in at least two roles
so that we have a good solid "do useful work and pass on experience" cycle
But it would be good if there was some change in roles across portfolios for say a max of around over 6 years in an role
so as to remain lively & flexible as we do need new ideas and enthusiasm
– and many would still take an interest in being a volunteer or helper from time to time!
Helping run a voluntary association – whether it be a sport club, managing your place of worship,
Governing your children's school etc is an opportunity to learn new skills as well as applying your own experiences
– and meeting and working with a wide variety of different people.
If you bring your reliable self to be able to ensure that KCLEA is run by its members for its members
and the community of Kings Engineering at a time of great change.- we would like to welcome you
The Remainder of the Committee are leadership of the President (CEO) Hon Sec (COO+) and Treasurer (Fin dir)
- for which we do not have vacancies this year but the post holders are due to retire over the next two or three years
– and a few Non Executive roles - giving valuable advice
If you are interested in providing leadership or governance for KCLEA – conntact