KCLEA members are drawn from the Faculty of Engineering with its Departments of Civil Mechanical and Electrical/Electronic Engineering
to today's recent graduates of the School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Science and the Department of Engineering. 
It is a rich heritage based on the establishment of Engineering at Kings in 1838,and KCLES the student society KCLES formed in 1847
from which KCLEA grew. 

KCLEA encourages its members to network – in person at events and when they take part in Student activities, and remotely
through our developing group On LinkedIn  
Members are kept abreast of news of members and of the work of Kings engineering by a 5 times a year email newsletter, Bulletin
and the "developing" posting on Social media and the oppotunity to heard and qustion on the Future at the Virtual AGM 

KCLEA hold Events – with one anchor event per term – In the Autumn to find out about the current research and courses at Kings
in the Spring a major Public lecture open to all to show the achievements to of King Engineers
 and in the summer on the Kings Official birthdaya Lunch with guest where Members of all ages disciplines and career come together.
All giving ample opportunities to network – and build relationships through Kings.

KCLEA members support Students and the courses through Activities such as Fireside chats, lectures and working on or judging project work -
 Find out more and Awarding Bursaries and Medals

In 2025 KCLEA is looking for a stronger team to take its Networking & Communication with Members, Events and Activities forward
into the second quarter of the 21sT century ,

Today Kings Engineering as strong as ever with the Department of Engineering reopening in 2019
well re-established in the new Quad labs at the Strand, and Biomedical Engineering dates from 1954 but the School of Biomedical Engineering
and Imaging Science
founded in 2011 which goes from strength to strength with the Opening of The London Institute for Health Engineering
LIFE at St Thomas' Campus.

So KCLEA is looking for keen groups of King Engineers who are driving todays industries forward –
to continuethe work and tradition of KCLEA and ensure that it contributes and serve its members,
the communities of Kings engineering and the world.at large

If you feel you can help – or just want a chat – president@kclea.org.uk or use the contact form