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KCLEA is the graduate association for engineers who have studied or worked at King's. You can find out more about the Association and its aims on our About Us page. See this LinkTree for latest news and pictures:

We are sorry to hear that Professor Stanley Earles has died. A short biography can be found here.


Membership of KCLEA is free to KCL Engineering Alumni and Staff. If you would like to join, or if you are unsure of whether you are a member already, contact the Membership Secretary.


KCLEA aims to inform its members of developments in engineering at King's and provide social and educational activities.

Annual Lunch

KCLEA usually holds an Annual Lunch over the Alumni Weekend in June and welcomes all past King's Engineers and their guests to attend. This was stopped during the Covid crisis but begun again in June 2023. See the Events Calendar and KCLA communications for more information.

Annual Lectures

KCLEA inaugurated the concept of an Annual Lecture on Engineering topics after the faculty of Engineering was closed in 2013. This proved so popular that even though Engineering is coming back to King's College, we decided to continue these Lectures.


KCLEA publishes King's Engineer Bulletin, a digital-only newsletter, published biannually and emailed to all King's Engineers. It is available online here.


KCLEA provides support for current students in the form of bursaries, prizes and help with events. We support the King's College London Engineering Society (run for and by current engineering students - see the KCLES web site or KCLES Facebook site).