Networking with KCLES and WiSTEM 2025

Come and Network with other KCLEA members – enabled by Students from KCELA and WiSTEM 

KCLEA exists to encourage a community for Kings Engineering Alumni – and as Attendees at the Annual lunch have found
-being with current students tend to make conversations easier.

KCLES and WiSTEM are looking for ways of giving their members experience of the soft skills of develop networking questioning listening reacting as members of a group.

So this Event for KCLEA members to network whilst supporting the needs of the Student societies for their members …..
and it also gives an opportunity for KCLEA members to find out about Today's young engineers
and for the students to meet "those with Engineering degrees" whether "real engineers" or not !

This Evening has been arranged using the statement that Samriddhi Sehgal made at a KCL NMES event in 2023
- she is now a 3rd Year Electrical Engineering Student

"One of the things that really impressed me was when we were selected Groups for the Project work we were told- "

"Join the Group that has the people most different from you"

So this is a Networking event set up to ensure that you will be meeting people different from you whether a students or Alumni
– and then an opportunity to meet up with thosewho may not be too different from you!

The aim is to get group of about 8 per table which have suitable diversity of Subject Gender Ethnicity both within the student and Alumni groupings and a range of Age and Career sector from the Alumni and UK or international from the Students .

Online time table

18h15Start to welcome Alumni and students.

18h30Formal welcome, Instructions and move to tables.

18h40 Networking at a first table group

19h00 Move to a second table group and start Networking (with Refreshments)

19h30 Move to a third table group and start Networking (with Refreshments)

20h00 Free Networking (with remaining Refreshments)

20h30 Networking starts to end

21h00 Ending

Note:- we will be sharing your name and Linkedin URL to encourage networking after the event